Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Archaeology: Classes at the Tampa Bay History Center Unlock the Secrets of Human Bones

You won’t find them on CSI, but archaeologists from USF and the Florida Public Archaeology Network know a thing or two about dead people. Secrets of Human Bones, a new class series, will be held on September 27th, October 4th & 11th from 6:30-8 p.m. at the History Center. The series will dig down deep to find out how Florida's first people lived and died by investigating human remains uncovered in Florida's mortuary ponds and burial mounds. Find out what these well-preserved bones tell today's archaelogists about early life in Florida.

The classes will be held in the classroom at the Tampa Bay History Center and the cost is $30 for the 3-week series. To find out more information or to register for the series, call TBHC at 813-228-0097, ext. 0.

1 comment:

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